
Richard's website contains music and film reviews, as well as some other goodies like the occasional blog post or creative endeavor.

Album Reviews

Film Reviews


Album of the Month:
Ever since their sophomore triumph Sam's Town The Killers have slowly waded into Heartland Rock with each new record. 2021's Pressure Machine finds the band neck deep with a crop of tunes inspired by the times and tragedy of Las Vegas living. And while not their most ear-grabbing album, it's certainly an admirable realization of the band's growing maturity.

Film of the Month:
Stanley Kubrick's landmark feature film (one of them at least) that dared to transport audiences to outer space one year before actual humans would land on the Moon. A film that remains effective and claustrophobic to this day thanks to Kubrick's uncompromising vision and faith in his craft. Backed by a team of actual wizards, 2001: A Space Odyssey still leaves me asking, "How did they do that!?"

Curio of the Month:
Nature is the queen of "look, don't touch" and Lion's Mane Jellyfish are the perfect example of that. The beautiful, pillowy, and completely venomous creature is the largest species of jellyfish with just its head being able to reach a diameter of seven feet. Imagine being cuddled by a gigantic bowl of pudding with stun batons taped to it.